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How to Build Better Teams

Teams are an important building block of successful organizations. Whether the focus is on service, quality, cost, value, speed, efficiency, performance, or other similar goals, teams are the basic unit that supports most organizations. With teams at the core of corporate strategy, an organization’s success can depend on how well team members operate together. How are their problem-solving skills? Is the team enthusiastic and motivated to do its best? Do they work well together? This course can help you get there!

This will help you learn:

  • The value of working as a team
  • Ways to develop team norms, ground rules, and team contracts
  • How to identify your team player style and how to use it with your own team
  • Techniques for building team trust
  • The stages of team development and how to help a team move through them
  • The critical role communication skills will play in building and maintaining a team atmosphere
  • Ways that team members can be involved and grow in a team setting

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: Defining Teams

Session Three: Establishing Team Norms

Session Four: Working as a Team

Session Five: Your Team Player Type

Session Six: Building Team Trust

Session Seven: The Stages of Team Development

Session Eight: Team Building with TORI

Session Nine: Communication

Session Ten: Becoming a Good Team Player


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Fizikamind Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Kipps Enclave Shastri Nagar Bareilly, IN

Cont. no. +91-9411029100
[email protected]

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