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Intermediate Project Management

Project management is not just restricted to certain industries, or to individuals with certification as a project manager. Lots of us are expected to complete assignments that are not a usual part of our job, and to get the job done well, within our budget, and on time. This course is intended for those who understand the conceptual phase of a project’s life cycle, including setting goals, creating a vision statement, and creating the Statement of Work. Now discover the remaining three stages: planning, execution, and termination.

This course will help you know how to:

  • Identify your project’s tasks and resources
  • Order tasks using the Work Breakdown Structure
  • Schedule tasks effectively
  • Use basic planning tools such as a Gantt chart, PERT diagram, and network diagram
  • Prepare a project budget
  • Modify the project budget and schedule to meet targets
  • Identify and manage risks
  • Prepare a final project plan
  • Execute and terminate a project
  • Develop and manage a change control process

Course Content


Session One: Course Overview

Session Two: What Really Needs To Be Done?

Session Three: The Work Breakdown Structure

Session Four: Scheduling Techniques

Session Five: Budgeting Tips and Tricks

Session Six: Assessing Project Risks

Session Seven: Preparing the Final Plan

Session Eight: Making it Fit

Session Nine: The Execution Phase

Session Ten: Controlling Changes

Session Eleven: Closing Out a Project


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Fizikamind Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Kipps Enclave Shastri Nagar Bareilly, IN

Cont. no. +91-9411029100
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