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Building Your Confidence and Self-Esteem Certificate

Lots of people suffer from poor confidence and low self-esteem. If you have a negative self-image, your quality of life and relationships will suffer. Low self-esteem is also implicated in depression and anxiety, both of which can have long-lasting and serious consequences.

Fortunately, you can learn to appreciate yourself and feel more confident and accepting of both your strengths and weaknesses. This course will give you practical strategies that emphasise self-acceptance and self-compassion.

You Will Learn:

  • Why it is important to tackle low confidence and self-esteem
  • Why you need to challenge underlying negative beliefs about yourself
  • How to become more assertive and stand up for your own needs
  • Why goals and challenges can help you overcome low self-esteem
  • How to seek professional help if you need further assistance

Benefits Of Taking This Course:

  • Overcoming low self-esteem and boosting your confidence will improve your general wellbeing at home and work
  • If you are interested in psychopathology, this course will give you an insight into a common mental health issue
  • If you support someone with low self-esteem, this course will help you understand their experiences
  • If you work with service users with mental health diagnoses, this course will help you support them to build a healthier self-image

Please note: This course contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v3.0.


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Fizikamind Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Kipps Enclave Shastri Nagar Bareilly, IN

Cont. no. +91-9411029100
[email protected]

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